
Ladykiller in a bind free
Ladykiller in a bind free

ladykiller in a bind free

The one who got The Beast into this mess, and is making her narrate the story back to him. My twin brother, a grandiose Machiavellian piece of shit.

  • Manipulative Bastard: A possible way to play her, especially if you want to keep your suspicion low and your votes high, leading to a few Your Approval Fills Me with Shame moments with her brother.
  • ladykiller in a bind free

    This, of course, helps her to more easily masquerade as her twin brother.

  • Lady Looks Like a Dude: She's rather flat-chested and has androgynous facial features.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite being framed as being rather stupid, she has a lot of emotional intelligence and strong opinions (for example, her speech to the Photographer about how no one really goes and runs away from home to a foreign country to escape their problems).
  • But she very much makes sure her partners enjoy themselves as well and don't do anything they don't want to.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She gets in a few good ones at the Prince's expense.
  • Her personal wardrobe does have "butch" elements to it though, like her biker jacket and heavy-duty work boots, and she uses the word to describe herself. The Beast herself is more androgynous in her appearance than overtly masculine. She said on twitter that's what her own high school GPA would have been if not for a couple of sympathetic teachers.
  • This is also a case of Write What You Know on the Creator's part.
  • Played with, in that she is wiser than she appears and the low grades are partly because she does she doesn't think High School really means much in the long run.
  • Book Dumb: Her GPA sits at a shockingly low 1.0.
  • The Beast: It's not straight if they look good in a skirt.

    Ladykiller in a bind free